Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snow Day!

Weather forecasters said there was going to be a blizzard.  Still waiting for the blizzard........................ In the meantime the girls are playing in the snow! Happy Sunday!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Impromptu Tea Party

Without any planning and using only what we had in the pantry, this is what we came up with for the tea party.

~Nutella Heart Sandwiches~ 
Pretzel Cups
Fruity Tarts
Diced Apples
Cranapple Spritzers

Happy Presidents Day!  
Sydney and Zoe are staying at our house while their parents are in LasVegas. Fun times with friends!  
The tea party was a success!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sweet Sisters!

I get all these wild ideas when Harley is off traveling.  This time he's in Peru and I really wanted to take pictures of the girls.  I thought it would be fun to surprise him sweet pictures of his "babies" and I was also was hoping for a cute picture to use for Valentines day. I was crossing my fingers the whole time hoping I could figure out Harley's camera and at least get a couple good pictures.  Well, mission accomplished,  I think I got a few!

 Thanks again to my awesome girlfriend Sara,, for processing my pictures!  She's so awesome!