Monday, August 16, 2010

Off to School!

First day of

We all went as a family to take Kayla to school.
You can tell she's the 1st child. Malia will probably
get dropped off when it's her turn :)

They meet in the cafeteria every morning and say the pledge
of allegiance before going to their class rooms

Kayla's teacher, Mrs. Smiley

Pictures of her classroom
It was a day filled with mixed emotion. We were super excited for Kayla to start
kindergarten because she was so excited to start kindergarten. She has grown up
so much in the last month and is no longer sucking her thumb and she is riding
her bike without training wheels. Big accomplishments and she's the
one who initiated them all. As we were leaving her today, I thought for
the first time about homeschooling. Partly because I was sad she was going off
to school but guilty I was putting her in an institution, leaving her to be
molded by her teachers and peers. It must not have been serious guilt though
because by 2 o'clock I was wondering why I hadn't signed her up for full day kindergarten.


Becky said...

Her name is seriously Ms. Smiley? That's awesome.

Carmen said...

How could she not go into educating kindergardeners with a name like Smiley?

So glad Kayla's excited about school. The 'institution' didn't get the better of me and your other girls will like the personal mommy time as older sisters head off to school!